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The urge to go and splurge on books often underestimates my power of self-control and my ability to save. I've always relished the moment when you open a book for the first time, in all of its pristine glory. And we all, although rather strangely, cannot resist the smell of a new book.

There are those 'guilty-pleasure' books (mine are those tedious teen romance novels *hangs head in shame*). Then there are those 'make-you-look-intellectual' books (as a history student, this is me most some of the time). But then there are those books which look stunning, drawing you in rather for their suitability as interior decor than what they might actually say. However, all the same, you know the content is worth the purchase.

Sali Hughes 'Pretty Honest'
A highly blogged about all encompassing beauty 'how-to' guide. It is the definition of incredible. Everything from identifying your skin type to how to do your makeup on the train. With great product and brand recommendations, and the low-down on everything you could ever want to know about beauty, it's one I would highly recommend for any beauty-obsessor like myself.

Alexa Chung 'It'
Alexa Chung, style icon, at your service. Even if it is for just a matter of 192 pages, most of which are full of polaroids, quotes and doodles. It's a good read, once you get past the shameless name-dropping (er, doesn't everybody know Jagger, Moss and Vogue editor Anna Wintour?). Most certainly on the lighter side of reading, perhaps being more of a decorative coffee-table addition rather than an in depth gossip-filled auto-biography.

'How to Be Parisian'
We all want to be a little bit Parisian right? Perhaps it's not what I expected, written by two of Paris' finest it's one short of a laugh-induced belly-ache. 'Love, style and bad habits', I think I'm starting to conquer what it really means to be trés Parisienne.

14 Comments so far

  1. All three of these books do look beautiful, I'm desperate for the Salli Hughes one!

    1. I have to admit, 'Pretty Honest' by Sali Hughes is by far my favourite of the three and well worth the purchase
      - Jem xo

  2. 'It' has such a gorgeous cover! Definitely guilty of buying it just to display on my dressing table, haha :) x
    Elise @ Elise Dopson

    1. It does! And me here, perfect background for blogging photos ;) x

  3. Replies
    1. They are, and so worth the splurge!
      - Jem xo

  4. I adore 'IT', even just for the photos and quotes!

    Annabel ♥
    Mascara & Maltesers

    1. I know! It's a little bit different to autobiographies, and I think the photos and quotes make the book all the more personal! xo

  5. Such a pretty post. ^^
    Lovely greets Ness

  6. I'd really like to check out the Alexa Chung book, I've read an article written by her before and I loved her writing style. Awesome find! I'll have to look into that one now.

    ElizaDeath Taylor | Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

    1. It's definitely worth a read, I just wish I had bought the hardback instead of the paperback! xo

  7. I love Pretty Honest - it's a great book and so helpful. I haven't read either of the other two though! I'll maybe have to have a look at them.

    Antonia x | Fifi and the Diamonds

    1. I love 'Pretty Honest' too, probably my favourite book apart from my 'proper' novels :)
      They are definitely worth a look, especially if you want to try something that's not fictional and is definitely a guilty girly pleasure xo
